Friday, February 10, 2023

Wow. It has been 12 years since my mama died and since I embarked on this journey to help others experience their own Sacred Goodbyes. I am profoundly touched and honored by each and every dying person and their family who has welcomed me to share in their journey. I am currently helping my first Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED) client carry out her wishes. She is a free and beautiful spirit who is doing her death her way.

I'm also in the midst of an online training with Alberto Villoldo, The Deathless Elixir of Immortality! We are exloring the mysteries of the afterlife and discovering the possibilities of immortality. In the first session he taught us a daily practice called, I Am My Breath. Turns out this is the Four Count Breathing practice that I teach all of my clients who deal with anxiety. This breathing style was practiced by ancient shammans and is used as a great reset for our nervous system. It moves us out of flight and fight and into our parasympathetic nervous system (a network of nerves that relaxes our body after a period of stress and danger).

Four Count Breathing 1. Inhale to the count of four. 2. Hold to the count of four. 3. Exhale to the count of four. 4. Pause to the count of four. Repeat.

Aberto Villoldo says, "We are luminous, undying beings on a journey through infinity." This earthly journey on the Red Path, is our journey on the mother. When we die, we continue on our journey on the Silver Path, the journey through the stars. I just purchased this print by Christina Smith, on Esty. The image deplicts our journey on the red and silver path so well.

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